Posts Tagged ‘sumatera selatan’

Mantra Dhrtarastra – 東方持國天王咒

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Mantra Vaisravana – 北方多聞天王咒

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Mantra Pendek Padmakumara – 大白蓮花童子心咒(短咒)

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Mantra Mahabrahma – 四面佛(大梵天王)咒

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Mantra Air Amrta – 甘露水咒

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Mantra Ksamayati – 懺悔咒

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Mantra Kalachakra – 時輪金剛心咒

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Mantra Yamantaka – 大威德金剛心咒

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Mantra Tara Hijau – 綠度母咒

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Mantra 8 Persembahan – 八供咒

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