Posts Tagged ‘mantra’

Mantra Maitreya Bodhisattva – 彌勒菩薩心咒

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Mantra Amitayus – 長壽佛心咒

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Ushnishavijaya Dharani – 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼咒

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Mantra Tujuh Buddha – 七佛滅罪真言

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Mantra Balas Budi Orang Tua – 報父母恩咒

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Mantra Shri Laksmi – 吉祥天女心咒

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Mantra Jambala Hitam – 黑財神心咒

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Mantra Penyeberangan Manjusri – 文殊師利菩薩往生咒

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Mantra Acalanatha – 不動明王心咒

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Mantra Jambala Merah – 紅財神心咒

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