Posts Tagged ‘蓮生活佛’

Mantra Dewi Matsu – 天上聖母心咒

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Mantra Skanda Dharmapala – 韋陀護法心咒

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Mantra Sangharama Dharmapala – 伽藍護法心咒

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Mantra Bodhisattva Di Mu – 地母菩薩心咒

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Mantra Hevajra – 喜金剛心咒

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Mantra Pendek Vajrasattva – 百字明短咒

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Mantra Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva – 大勢至菩薩心咒

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Mantra Raja Agung Avalokitesvara – 高王觀世音菩薩心咒

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Sadhana Vajrayoga Padmakumara Part 1

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Mantra Prajna Paramitha Bhagawati – 般若佛母心咒

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