Posts Tagged ‘蓮生活佛’

Kunjungi website Vihara Vajra Bhumi Sriwijaya melalui mobile phone

Website Vihara sekarang dapat di acess melalui mobile, jika anda mengunakan salah satu mobile browser berikut: 2.0 MMP 240×320 400X240 AvantGo BlackBerry Blazer Cellphone Danger DoCoMo Elaine/3.0 EudoraWeb Googlebot-Mobile hiptop IEMobile KYOCERA/WX310K LG/U990 MIDP-2. MMEF20 MOT-V NetFront Newt Nintendo Wii Nitro Nokia Opera Mini Palm PlayStation Portable portalmmm Proxinet ProxiNet SHARP-TQ-GX10 SHG-i900 Small SonyEricsson Symbian […]

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New Year 2010

Title: New Year 2010Description: Happy New Year to AllDate: 2009-11-07

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Tanggal 15 Imlek Bulan 11

Title: Tanggal 15 Imlek Bulan 11Location: Vihara Vajra Bhumi SriwijayaDescription: Sadhana Amitabha BuddhaStart Time: 19:00Date: 2009-12-30

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Puja Bakti Muda Mudi

Title: Puja Bakti Muda MudiLocation: Vihara Vajra Bhumi SriwijayaDescription: Sadhana VajrasattvaStart Time: 19:00Date: 2009-12-19

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Tanggal 1 Imlek Bulan 11

Title: Tanggal 1 Imlek Bulan 11Location: Vihara Vajra Bhumi SriwijayaDescription: Sadhana Avalokitesvara BodhisattvaStart Time: 19:00Date: 2009-12-16

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Puja Bakti Muda Mudi

Title: Puja Bakti Muda MudiLocation: Vihara Vajra Bhumi SriwijayaDescription: Sadhana VajrasattvaStart Time: 19:00Date: 2009-12-5

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Tanggal 18 Imlek Bulan 10

Title: Tanggal 18 Imlek Bulan 10Location: Vihara Vajra Bhumi SriwijayaDescription: Om Mani Padme Hum! Saudara saudari sedharma yang ingin berpartisipasi dalam upacara ini melalui formulir Pemberkahan dan Penyeberangan dapat mendownload formulir tersebut di website Formulir yang telah diisi dapat di email ke [email protected] Time: 19:00Date: 2009-12-4

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Puja Bakti Kamis

Title: Puja Bakti KamisLocation: Vihara Vajra Bhumi SriwijayaDescription: Sadhana GuruyogaStart Time: 19:00Date: 2009-12-3

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Puja Bakti 8 Yidam

Title: Puja Bakti 8 YidamLocation: Vihara Vajra Bhumi SriwijayaDescription: Sadhana Jambala KuningStart Time: 16:00:00Date: 2009-11-29

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Puja Bakti Muda Mudi

Title: Puja Bakti Muda MudiLocation: Vihara Vajra Bhumi SriwijayaDescription: Sadhana VajrasattvaStart Time: 19:00:00Date: 2009-11-28

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