Posts Tagged ‘蓮生活佛’

Mantra Dewi Yao Chi – 瑤池金母心咒

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Mantra Jambala Putih – 白財神心咒

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Mantra Peredam Bencana – 大救难咒

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Mantra Pengembangan Bodhicitta – 發菩提心真言

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Mantra Maha Cundi Bodhisattva – 凖提佛母心咒

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Mantra Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva – 地藏王菩薩心咒

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Mantra Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva – 觀世音菩薩心咒

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Mantra Amitabha – 南摩阿彌陀佛心咒

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50 Syair Mengabdi Kepada Guru

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Objek Wisata di Palembang

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