Posts Tagged ‘時輪金剛’

Mantra Abhiseka Bhaisajraguru Buddha – 藥師灌頂真言

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Mantra Hayagriva Vidyaraja – 馬頭明王金剛心咒

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Mantra Uccusma Vidyaraja – 穢跡金剛心咒

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Mantra Sakyamuni Buddha – 釋迦牟尼佛心咒

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Mantra Avalokitesvara Seribu Tangan Seribu Mata – 千手千眼觀世音菩薩心咒

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Mantra Sitatapatra Bhagawati – 大白傘蓋佛母堅甲咒

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Cancer Curing Mantra – 治癌咒

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Mantra Ragaraja – 愛染明王心咒

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Mantra Usnishavijaya Bhagawati – 尊勝佛母心咒

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Mantra Dewa Bhumi – 安土地真言咒

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