Archive for the ‘Arsip’ Category

Puja Bakti 8 Yidam

Title: Puja Bakti 8 YidamLocation: Vihara Vajra Bhumi SriwijayaDescription: Sadhana Jambala KuningStart Time: 16:00:00Date: 2009-11-29

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Puja Bakti Muda Mudi

Title: Puja Bakti Muda MudiLocation: Vihara Vajra Bhumi SriwijayaDescription: Sadhana VajrasattvaStart Time: 19:00:00Date: 2009-11-28

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Puja Bakti Hari Kamis

Title: Puja Bakti Hari KamisLocation: Vihara Vajra Bhumi SriwijayaDescription: Sadhana GuruyogaStart Time: 19:00:00Date: 2009-11-26

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Puja Bakti 8 Yidam

Title: Puja Bakti 8 YidamLocation: Vihara Vajra Bhumi SriwijayaDescription: Sadhana Maha Cundi BodhisattvaStart Time: 16:00:00Date: 2009-11-22

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Puja Bakti Muda Mudi

Title: Puja Bakti Muda Mudi Location: Vihara Vajra Bhumi SriwijayaDescription: Sadhana VajrasattvaStart Time: 19:00:00Date: 2009-10-17

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Puja Bakti Muda Mudi

Title: Puja Bakti Muda MudiLocation: Vihara Vajra Bhumi SriwijayaDescription: Sadhana VajrasattvaStart Time: 19:00:00Date: 2009-10-10

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Vihara Lain di Indonesia

Vihara Zhen Fo Zong Kasogatan di Indonesia

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Foto Shen Lun Tang


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Hasil Survey


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